Alice Bailey
Discipleship In the New Age Vol 1-2

Alice Bailey
Discipleship In the New Age Vol 1-2
How many would-be disciples are convinced of their worthiness to receive direct training from a Master of the Wisdom? How few are able to absorb the intense pressures of the experience and to profit from the opportunity! Included in these two volumes of Discipleship in the New Age are the series of personal instructions given to a small group of chelas over a period of 15 years, with related teaching on a number of subjects.
The Six Stages of Discipleship, in the final part of the book, show the sequence of growth in consciousness towards the centre of an Ashram so clearly, that only the self-deluded can fail to identify his own place and his resulting opportunity.
Two vitally important aspects of the life of discipleship are emphasised from the standpoint of practical training techniques – meditation and initiation. Meditation is shown not only as a way of approach by the individual to the soul, and by the group to the Master, but as the creative technique of the Lord of the World by which all is brought into being.
Käytetyt kovakantiset kirjat erinomaisessa kunnossa. Hinta pitää sisällään molemmat teokset, ei myydä erikseen.
- Kirjailija: Alice Bailey
- Kirjan nimi: Discipleship In the New Age Vol 1-2
- Kustantaja: Lucis Press
- Sivumäärä: 1665
- Vuosi: 1985
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Sid
- Kunto: Käytetty