Tore Ahlbäck (edit.)

Western Esotericism

Western Esotericism Kirjat

Tore Ahlbäck (edit.)

Western Esotericism

Normaalihinta €25,00

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The concept of Western Esotericism includes a multiplicity of traditions and lines of thought included in Western culture, from antiquity and the renaissance up to modern times. It is often used to refer to different forms of hidden knowledge, accessible and comprehensible only to especially initiated persons. The theme bears special significance for the Donner Institute as the study of mysticism and esotericism – especially in relation to the Anthroposophic movement – is defined as one of the main aims of the institute.

The current volume presents articles on prominent profiles such as Rudolf Steiner, Jacob Böhme and Emanuel Swedenborg. The theme of esotericism is explored in a number of different contexts, including Freemasonry, Mormonism, Theosophy and Kabbalah, often focusing on the history and development of these movements in the Nordic countries.

Tore Ahlbäck
Rudolf Steiner as a Religious Authority
Susanna Åkerman
Queen Christina’s Esoteric Interests as a Background to Her Platonic Academies
Henrik Bogdan & Olav Hammer
Research on Esotericism in Scandinavia
Kennet Granholm
Post-Secular Esotericism? Some Reflections on the Transformation of Esotericism
Nils G. Holm
Freemasonry and Its Social Position in Finland
Vesa Iitti
The Fourth Way in Finland
Thomas Karlsson
Kabbalah in Sweden
Nina Kokkinen
The Art of Mystification. Esotericism Differentiated
in the Definition of Finnish Symbolism
Tomas Mansikka
Did the Pietists Become Esotericists When They Read the Works of Jacob Boehme?
Kim B. Östman
Esotericism Made Exoteric? Insider and Outsider Perspectives
on the 2006 Mormon Temple Public Open House in Espoo, Finland
René Dybdal Pedersen
Defining Theosophy in the Twenty-First Century
Leigh T. I. Penman
A Second Christian Rosencreuz? Jakob Böhme’s Disciple
Balthasar Walther (1558–c.1630) and the Kabbalah.
With a Bibliography of Walther’s Printed Works
Jole Shackelford
Western Esotericism and the History of European Science
and Medicine in the Early Modern Period
Jussi Sohlberg
The Esoteric Milieu in Finland Today
Kocku von Stuckrad
Esoteric Discourse and the European History of Religion.
In Search of a New Interpretational Framework
Marco Toti
The Proliferation of Post-Modern Religiosity in the Late Sixties.
The Case of ‘The Process Church of the Final Judgement’:
from Psychoanalysis as Therapy to Psychoanalysis as Theology
Jane Williams-Hogan
The Place of Emanuel Swedenborg in the Spiritual Saga
of Scandinavia
Vadim Zhdanov
Gnosticism and Esotericism. An Example from Russian
New Religiosity